On Set - 2/19/10

On Set - 2/19/10

Monday, February 22, 2010

Making Things Personal

We love our filming equipment, every piece of it. Without it we are nothing, and we realize this. We treat our equipment like we would our own kids. We care for it, clean it, guard it, spend money on it, even name it. Following is a list of all of the equipment we use, its accompanying name, and the reason for that name.

- Cameras - Panasonic HVX200 - "TRON"
Named after the 1982 Sci-Fi film because of the Panasonic's incredibly technological capabilities.

- Steadi-Cam w/Folding Microphone Arm - "JESUS-CAM"
Named for the steadi-cams similar shape to that of Jesus' cross.

- Steadi-Cam w/Tron-Platform & Chest Support Pad - "ROMULUS"
Named after one of the founders of ancient Rome, simply because of how awesome this homemade steadi-cam is.

- Tripod - "ATLAS"
Named for Atlas, the mythological giant that held up the sky. We gave this name to our tripod, the thick piece of equipment that holds up our heavy cameras.

- 10ft Camera Crane - "NOSTRADAMUS"
Nostradamus could see into the future. This was appropriate for our crane because the camera crane allows us to see what we previously could not.

- Barn Door Light - "ICARUS"
In Greek mythology, Icarus flew into the sun. In our world, he is just one of our lights that, after running for a while, becomes really, really hot.

- Clapper Board - "RICOCHET"
Named for the distinct sound the clapper makes when in use.

- Camera Bag - "CRONUS"
Cronus was Zeus' father, who often ate his children and carried them in his belly for years. Appropriate, I think for that bag that carries our camera in his "stomach."

- Sound System - "SONUS"
A form of the Latin word for "sound" or "noise." Appropriate for the monster of a machine that all of our microphones feed into.

- Lapelle Mic - "PIERRE"
Lapelle is a French word, so, of course, we picked the most stereotypical French name we could think of.

Other Microphones - "ECHO 1" "ECHO 2" etc..
Echo, in Greek mythology, was a mountain nymph who was cursed by Hera to, for all eternity, only be able to repeat what others said.

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